Azubi Riesenleiter

Fit 4 Job - Focus on Generation Z

Training for trainees & promoting young talents

Becoming a person with team competency by mastering self-management
We make your young executives and trainees fit for your business! Use the potential of your young talents. Young people understand a lot about what companies need today and in the future: digitalisation, internet, agile work, social media. The young and talented employees have an affinity for working in virtual worlds as if born with this talent. Have Generation Z experts committed to your company today.
How does it work?
Balanced initiative and commitment

Unfamiliar outdoor and indoor learning environments allow for experiential learning, widening your young talents' comfort zone. Decision-making skills are automatically improved and competence handling stress increased. Reflecting allows conclusions to be drawn on structured cooperation, empathic communication and successful project work.
Because experiences become lessons learnt. Together, lessons are learnt from experience. Lessons learnt give you that team spirit and create a bond.
Our credo in doing so: we are connected with models and formats that are characterised by their connectivity to young people. Understanding the language of Generation Z is the basis for reaching young people.

Proactive and responsible young professionals
Your benefits
Customised training for trainees
For your goals and topics
Do you have specific goals and topics that you would like to implement with your young talents? Then you've come to the right place. We would be happy to draw up an apposite training concept with you.
Possible topics & training goals
  • Strengthening problem-solving competencies
    • Project management
    • Assuming responsibility
    • Training and optimising team strategies
  • Promoting communication and cooperation
    • Communicating with others in an empathetic and convincing manner
    • Strengthening the ability to deal with criticism and conflict (giving and taking feedback)
    • Perceiving oneself and others
  • Team building
    • Strengthening the sense of togetherness, learning how to act in the network
  • Strengthening self-confidence and increasing competence handling stress
    • Widening personal boundaries
    • Mental work from top-class sport for work & life
Pool of methods
Comfort zone model | Disney strategy | 4 sides of a message | Feedback rules | PFG – Perceiving, Feeling, Guessing | Stress model | Mental techniques for breathing and resource image | Satirical categories, etc.
Experiential learning goes beyond outdoor education
Outdoor training
We always combine seminars with outdoor training: modern methods and models are imparted interactively in seminar rooms resulting in trainees' concrete reports. The lessons learnt are then implemented and trained outdoors. This outdoor experience then enables feedback in order to work out results together or even to make agreements with one another.
Possible outdoor training modules

Based on your topics and goals, we place training for trainees or training for young talents in an appropriate outdoor context.

  • GPS tour with various projects, e.g. constructing rope bridges
  • Cave expedition
  • Water adventure day with the topic "learning to learn" with stand-up paddling (SUP), kayak, dragon boat, Canadians at the Alpsee
  • Project "ISS raft construction"
  • ICO Skywalk Arena with high rope course for teams and competence handling stress modules
  • Team canyoning
  • Team Projekte rund ums Fels Klettern
  • "Igloo expedition"

Any questions?

Philipp Porträt rund

Philipp Brumhard

Project Manager · Consultant
Iglubau im Allgäu
Igloo building in the Allgäu

Business development in the snow with the project "Igloo" - We focus on your business-specific requirements. Well-considered and strategically skillful, the project "Igloo" has to be approached in a team.

Being confident when it matters
Outdoor training in the ICO Skywalk Arena of the Oberstorf ski jumping stadium

Get your personal consultation.

Claudia Heil

Claudia Heil

Philipp Porträt rund

Philipp Brumhard

Send a request


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Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the training take?

You determine how long the training measures last. From short daily incentives to a weekly programme or
process monitoring over a longer period of time with various measures spread over the year, the possibilities are unlimited. Get in touch with us. We will be happy to advise you on the basis of your objectives

Are there recommendations for accommodation?

We will be happy to advise you on accommodation. We have numerous contacts
to different accommodation categories. From self-catering accommodation to **** star hotels, the Allgäu region has so much to offer. For groups of 20 people or more, we can book accommodation and meals as an agency service.

What qualifications do the trainers and consultants have?

Our consultants serve the people, nature and business triangle.
In this way, we ensure that experiences you gain from the outdoor learning arena are evaluated in a manner relevant to business, taking into account factors to do with group dynamics and personal development.

"Our trainers usually work with 3 pillars:
1. Academic education: economics, psychology, sociology
2. Psychological training: NLP (neurolinguistic programming), systemic coaching, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy
3. Certified outdoor training in the following areas:
– Alpine: mountain guide. Ski instructor, climbing trainer, high ropes course trainer
– Whitewater rafting: rafting guide, canyoning guide, canoe instructor

All trainers have completed ICO outdoor training for instructors, the focus of which is on evaluating real outdoor experiences with a focus on business and people and transferring them to groups' or individuals' everyday work."


ICO ImpulseConsult Oberstdorf GmbH
Im Wasen 16
87544 Bihlerdorf

Tel. +49 8321 87033
Fax +49 8321 68951

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ICO brings people together through positive emotions and jointly mastered challenges in a lived culture based on trust. Our passion is designing goal- and business-oriented programmes.

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