Kajak Sambesi Peter von Schoenebeck Beratung Mentalcoach
Keynote Speaker
Peter Tümmers von Schoenebeck

Extreme Sports Athlete &
Mental Coach
"Peter Tümmers conveys fascinating approaches regarding the parallels between high-performance sports coaching and management situations."

Markus Rettich, DAIMLER Corporate University

Empowerment - Grand Canyon - ICO Trailer Empowerment - Grand Canyon - ICO Trailer
Tutorial 5 Responsibility In The Network OLT ENG ICO Tutorial 5 Responsibility In The Network OLT ENG ICO
1Live: Peter Tümmers im Radio-Interview 1Live: Peter Tümmers im Radio-Interview
Vortrag: Peter Tümmers | Führung in turbulenten Zeiten Vortrag: Peter Tümmers | Führung in turbulenten Zeiten

Keynote Speaker Peter Tümmers
Agile Leadership and Mental Coaching

Keynote Lectures with a Wow Factor
As an expert from two worlds – as an entrepreneur/consultant as well as an extreme sports athlete/co-trainer of the national whitewater team – Peter Tümmers knows how to credibly report on the common principle of peak performance. These lectures provide an exciting demonstration of the parallels between agile whitewater sport and agile management. Models from business and psychology, mental exercises to participate in with a wow factor, and breathtaking recordings make for a humorous and rousing lecture. As a mental coach for various national teams, Peter Tümmers provides insights into mental training and the key competence of "when the going gets tough, the tough get going."

Lecture topics:

No Risk, No Fun – Leading in Turbulent Times
Empower Your Team – Together We're Strong
Let Go of Stress - Successful under Pressure: Learning from High-performance Athletics

No Risk, No Fun – Leading in Turbulent Times

In the lecture "No Risk, No Fun", Tümmers von Schoenebeck demonstrates how you can activate your intuitive competence – something he is considered to be an expert in – in order to make the right decision in 1/18 of a second, and that as something you can rely on. The motto is, "The gut knows more than the brain gives it credit for." Get in touch with us.

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German Risk Management Association e.V. - Prof. Dr. Erben, Board of Directors

"When it comes to risk management, many companies still focus too much on technical aspects. Peter Tümmers' lecture informed me about the importance of the "human factor" and about specific possibilities for managing it. That will stick with me."

Lions Club Oberallgäu – Klaus Felbinger, President

"In his lecture, "No Risk, No Fun? | The Human Factor in Risk Management", Peter Tümmers clearly demonstrates the parallels between business and extreme sport athletics. I found his fascinating images and captivating way of lecturing to be persuasive. It was an exceedingly instructive excursion into two worlds that have more in common than not."

Mercedes-Benz Global Training - Ursula Sanio

"ICO has powerful images and models for making the demands of future leadership manageable with respect to self-efficacy and risk management."

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Empower your team - Grand Canyon Lava Falls

Everyone is talking about empowerment and agility. The most agile element of all is whitewater. And what is more powerful than the "Grand Canyon" of Colorado, USA? On an expedition in 2014, Peter Tümmers and the American Dave Jaeger mastered the difficult passage of the Lava Falls Rapid together. Within a strong team of seven die-hard sports comrades, they covered more than 400 km of whitewater in two weeks. That kind of success is only possible in a team with clearly defined roles, skills, and well-practised routines.

With breathtaking images and GoPro action films, Peter Tümmers presents a lesson in leadership and empowerment, during which he also swallowed quite a bit of water.

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"It's fascinating to see the logical connection of recipes for success in extreme sports with the goal-oriented management of opportunities and risks in everyday professional life. Peter Tümmers provides a very clear and original demonstration of how positive energies for change processes can be released and sustainably applied. He captivated our demanding group of managers, skilfully guided them through wild waters, and then – now equipped with many valuable suggestions and insights – set them down on safe shores. No Risk - much fun !"

Daimler AG - Knut Brüns, Director of Asset Management

Let Go of Stress – Successful under Pressure: Learning from High-performance Athletics

Deadline pressure, fear of the future, arguments in the office and at home. In these fast-paced times, illnesses related to exhaustion are rapidly increasing.

This lecture demonstrate how to keep a cool head even in stressful situations and how to skilfully balance the four pillars of life (social environment, job, fitness, the current meaning of life).

You will also learn why perfectionism and burnout have the same root and how you can defend yourself against the enticements of your own ego and yet still achieve your goals.

Remain in control under pressure – Gain greater control on the hamster wheel.

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Whitewater national team – World champion Lars Walter

"Physical fitness alone doesn't make a world champion! This performance would not have been possible without Peter Tümmers' all-round mental support. The combination of physical strength and mental clarity is the key to success."

Peter-Tümmers-beim-Mentalcoaching quadr
Whitewater National Team – National Coach for Canoe, Gregor Simon (five-time world champion)

The mental training of Peter Tümmers helped me a a great deal during the time that I was active, both in sports and in the rest of my life. Today, I treasure being his coaching colleague."

Logo DSV Deutscher Skiverband
The German Ski Association – Hans Schmid, DSV Competition Officer, Junior Ski Jumping/ Nordic combined

"... your mental training for the DSV talent scouting was a complete success. You conveyed psychological models in a child-friendly and accessible way. The benefits were immediately apparent and the children were enthusiastic. I look forward to further cooperation."

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