Sinnstiftend - Leuchtturm

"You recognize the good sailor in a storm."

Crisis management
Organize wisely - convince charismatically

How to give support without being stable yourself. How to win over people, who are currently preoccupied with themselves, for collective topics.

We answer these crucial questions:

> How do I as a leader find orientation in a crisis?
> Which new leadership roles am I confronted with?
> Which principles and tools help us to act confidently in a crisis?
> How do we get an overview and determine focus and priorities?

"The Crisis Management workshop series has raised my competence as a business leader to a new level."

Marc Huhle, Managing Director Mercedes-Benz car dealership

Mercedes-Benz Logo

With the ICO Crisis-Empower-Cycle in 6 steps from crisis to heroes legend. We provide you with practical tools:

FocusMap, analyze total picture and determine focus & priorities.

5 Charisma Principles, to simply learn charismatic leadership.

Energram, to decode motivational states of your employees and hit the mark with sensemaking.

EmpowerMap to solve complex, challenging problems in your network.

Not only act confidently in a crisis, but utilize it for realignment!

Download worksheet
Crisis Manager & Leader
Management models 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 | 5 principles of leadership in crises | FocusMap & FocusCircle | Personality models MBTI, DISG or similar. | individual personality profile | stress model | stress competence | mental techniques, etc.

Topics and goals


Individual focus map for confident "juggling" through the crisis; The crisis leader - urgently required leadership competencies

Create meaning

Develop encouraging beliefs for maximum motivation of your employees and activation of potential

Master complexity

using Empower-Map - an agile project management tool that takes into account agile & stable factors of an enterprise.

This is always included

Expectation query

We make sure to work according to the special needs of the participants. Flexibility in implementation is our self-concept.

Seminar documents

Every participant receives our method manuals & working tools in haptic and digital form as well as e-learning videos, if applicable.

Mix of methods

We use modern & practice-proven, agile & stable methods, which are optimally interconnected & compatible with all industrial sectors.

Online Seminars

Attendance seminar, webinar & e-learning reasonably combined implies optimal use of resources with maximum effect. Fast, lean, effective.


Your feedback is our quality assurance. We look forward to a critical reflection with you for our continuous improvement process.

Contact us for a personal advisory meeting

Claudia Heil

Claudia Heil

Peter TvS Trainerprofilfoto

Peter Tümmers von Schoenebeck

Founder · CEO · Senior Consultant

+49 8321 870 33


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In a situation with tough challenges, it's important to proceed with a cool head and a warm heart: organize prudently - convince charismatically. Acting in a focused, concentrated & sustainable manner is a major challenge. For many balls have to be kept in the air at the same time. How do I have to adjust my alignment? How do I deploy my resources well? Are there new products and channels for my "go to market"? How do I manage to be a motivator, a driving force and a guarantor for my employees at the same time? In the webinar, we will develop your individual action plan together and put it into practice.

Frequently asked questions
How long is a training program?

You determine the duration of the training program.
From a short daily impulse to a weekly program or process support over a longer period of time with various interventions spread over the year, everything is possible. Please contact us. We will be happy to advise you based on your objectives.

Are there recommendations for accommodation?

We will gladly advise you on accommodation. We have numerous contacts to different accommodation categories. From self-catering hut to ****star hotel, everything is possible in the Allgäu.
For groups of 20 persons and more, we can arrange accommodation and meals as an agency service on request.

What kind of qualifications do the trainers and consultants have?

Our consultants manage the triangle of people, nature and economy. This ensures that experiences made in the learning field of nature are evaluated in a business-relevant format, taking into account group dynamics and personality development factors.
Our trainers usually have 3 mainstays:
1. academic education: Economy, psychology, sociology
2. psychological training: NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Systemic Coaching, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy
3. certified outdoor training in the following disciplines:
- alpine: mountain guide, ski instructor, climbing trainer, high ropes course trainer
- Whitewater: rafting guide, canyon guide, canoe instructor

All trainers have completed an ICO outdoor trainer qualification, the focus of which is to evaluate real outdoor experiences with focus on business and people and to transfer this knowledge goal oriented into the professional everyday life of the group or the individual.

Contact us

ICO Oberstdorf GmbH
Peter Tümmers
Im Wasen 16
87544 Bihlerdorf

Tel. +49 8321 87033
Fax +49 8321 68951
How to find us

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ICO consults, trains & coaches people and companies using practical methods. Balance between agility & stability is our focus.
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