agile-stable leadership
in the VUKA world

Management Culture | Leadership

Organize managers, design leaders.
Where flexibility used to suffice, today you are agile, meaningful and charismatic in a complex and disruptive environment.
"ICO ImpulseConsult is ahead of the times when it comes to modern leadership."

Kreissparkasse Augsburg - Gertrud Grießer, Deputy Member of the Board of Managing Directors

Sparkasse Logo

Agile Leadership

Established managers feel threatening calendar slogans in their backs: "If you don't keep up with the times, you'll leave at given time. And indeed - we live in the VUKA age. Agile and empowered teams, self-organization, flat hierarchies and meaningful leadership are aimed for, because with increasingly complex market requirements, one person alone can no longer possess all the knowledge that ultimately leads to the optimal solution for the customer. The grown qualities of the manager, who has everything under control by means of rules and "micro-management", are becoming increasingly ineffective. A radically new role contribution of leadership is necessary. ICO offers managers the opportunity to learn this "necessity" of the new agile role as a leader and to train it in a protected environment.

Leadership through principles

Agile models such as Scrum, Design Thinking, Kanban, Scrumban, etc. are currently subject in the field of leadership. But which method is useful in which situation? And how can I bring agility into my team without sacrificing efficiency? Does my team have to master all modern agile methods?

Our EmpowerSystem® includes the concept of "principle-centered design and leadership". Principles are obligatory frameworks for goal-supporting behavior. They organize the consistent translation into action with regard to a goal and a strategy.
Principles enable independent action and participation within a clear framework (defined scope). Your teams learn self-control and accept responsibility in the network.

With leadership through principles, the basic beliefs of your employees will change and shape a new agile-stable culture.
Find your way to an agile-stable leader with us.

Principle-centered leadership | EmpowerSystem® with agile and stable control elements
Scrum - Kanban - Design Thinking - Lean management with compatibility in every industrial sector
Volatile, agile leadership - Contents

✔ open potentials of employees with meaningful change of beliefs (framing of collective and personal beliefs)

✔ Agile working - agile mix of methods i.a. from Scrum, Design Thinking, Kanban, Business Model Canvas

✔ mastering complex requirements by applying a practical agile project tool (EmpowerMap)

✔ Force field analysis: Know and develop topics, motives and emotions of employees

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

✔ Crisis-Empower-Cycle and Crisis-Leader

✔ Leading with a framework instead of rules

✔ Leading with symmetry instead of hierarchy

✔ The management task of interpretation sovereignty / sensemaking

✔ Strategic behavior in a systemic environment

✔ Agile leading: situational adapted leading

✔ Training of leadership with agile outdoor: Your patient learning partner for VUKA environment is nature

✔ Problem-enhancing stress patterns in long-term exposure to uncertain world

✔ Crisis competence - Learning from the expedition world

✔ Knowing effective basic human motivators and addressing people according to their type: The 3 perspectives head-heart-gut

✔ Empowerment: Increasing problem-solving competence and innovative strength in the team (Thinking out of the box - targeted moderation and initiation of networking)

Outdoor | reflection in action
Experience based learning

This is always included

Expectation query

We make sure to work according to the special needs of the participants. Flexibility in implementation is our self-concept.

Seminar documents

Every participant receives our method manuals & working tools in haptic and digital form as well as e-learning videos, if applicable.

Mix of methods

We use modern & practice-proven, agile & stable methods, which are optimally interconnected & compatible with all industrial sectors.

Online Seminars

Attendance seminar, webinar & e-learning reasonably combined implies optimal use of resources with maximum effect. Fast, lean, effective.


Your feedback is our quality assurance. We look forward to a critical reflection with you for our continuous improvement process.

Contact us for a personal advisory meeting

Claudia Heil

Claudia Heil

Peter TvS Trainerprofilfoto

Peter Tümmers von Schoenebeck

Founder · CEO · Senior Consultant

+49 8321 870 33



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Frequently asked questions
How long is a training program?

You determine the duration of the training program.
From a short daily impulse to a weekly program or process support over a longer period of time with various interventions spread over the year, everything is possible. Please contact us. We will be happy to advise you based on your objectives.

Are there recommendations for accommodation?

We will gladly advise you on accommodation. We have numerous contacts to different accommodation categories. From self-catering hut to ****star hotel, everything is possible in the Allgäu.
For groups of 20 persons and more, we can arrange accommodation and meals as an agency service on request.

What kind of qualifications do the trainers and consultants have?

Our consultants manage the triangle of people, nature and economy. This ensures that experiences made in the learning field of nature are evaluated in a business-relevant format, taking into account group dynamics and personality development factors.
Our trainers usually have 3 mainstays:
1. academic education: Economy, psychology, sociology
2. psychological training: NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Systemic Coaching, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy
3. certified outdoor training in the following disciplines:
- alpine: mountain guide, ski instructor, climbing trainer, high ropes course trainer
- Whitewater: rafting guide, canyon guide, canoe instructor

All trainers have completed an ICO outdoor trainer qualification, the focus of which is to evaluate real outdoor experiences with focus on business and people and to transfer this knowledge goal oriented into the professional everyday life of the group or the individual.

Contact us

ICO Oberstdorf GmbH
Peter Tümmers
Im Wasen 16
87544 Bihlerdorf

Tel. +49 8321 87033
Fax +49 8321 68951

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ICO consults, trains & coaches people and companies using practical methods. Balance between agility & stability is our focus.
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