is cause & effect

Communication | Intercultural Communication | Conflict Management

"Ingeniously simple" or "simply ingenious"?
There is no substitute for clear communication
Communication is not everything, but without communication everything is nothing. Whether among colleagues or with customers, whether mono- or intercultural, whether real or virtual - good cooperation is a fundamental requirement for business success.
"I can now systematically turn my leadership colleagues into "companions in crisis" through methods such as framing or head-heart-gut dialogue"

Mercedes-Benz - Marc Huhle, Managing Director Mercedes-Benz Autohaus

Mercedes-Benz Logo

Get to people & convince them

Have you ever experienced a conversation in which two dialogue partners have exchanged the same content several times and still did not understand each other? (A common solution is to speak louder). On the other hand, we sometimes experience interactions that are effortless despite the most difficult content. This is due to the fact that the relationship level - the wire, so to speak - is well installed. Assuming that this does not happen by chance, there is a disillusioning consequence: All expertise and years of experience are useless if the wire has not been established beforehand. The broad rule is: First contact - then information! The "what" of communication is thus dominated by the "how".
According to the findings of neuronal research, our unconscious has much more influence than our mind, which is in need of control, may wish. This explains the research results, according to which less than 10% of communication is verbal and more than 90% is non-verbal. If you want to reach your respondent effectively, you have to involve the whole person.
We activate the "body language" of teams and organizations. In the seminar room and, if desired, in outdoor meetings we teach & train pragmatic models with application guarantee both in private and in professional life. This is how communication is conveyed - ingeniously simple and simply ingenious.

Culture as a communication disorder

Culture is a mental programming with patterns of thinking, feeling and potential action inside a person. It is shaped by living conditions, religion, politics, worldview, etc. In the contact among different cultures, worlds collide naturally. Due to increasing globalization, intercultural communication is becoming more and more important to the economy and crucial for business success. Dealing with different cultures in business contacts, expansions, fusions or in intercultural teams appears to be a challenge for many organizations. We are not talking about the "technical barrier language". Here there are apps and tutorials that provide a quick solution. How do I establish the same wavelength in communication with my counterpart? Well-intentioned interventions clash with different world views. Proven humor becomes a fiasco. The goals and values of a parent company are not understood by the foreign subsidiary and turn out to be an unexpected challenge. No matter what the reason: Resistance from the other side causes constructive cooperation to be blocked.
Would you like to prevent such conflicts? Or do you urgently need support in solving an intercultural "entanglement"? We support you in adapting to your partner optimally.

Conflicts create thin twigs

A good perception of conflict is a premise for conflict resolution and helps you to find effective solutions for tense situations. This does not guarantee that you will solve every conflict in the future, but the chances of doing so increase and this in turn helps your company's success.
Whether and with how much effort and commitment conflicts have to be worked on, managed or solved depends on many factors. It is very important to recognize whether the conflict is factual or already emotional. Thus, the question at the beginning is how far the conflict has already progressed. A conflict in its early phase has usually not yet escalated. Here it might be easier to soften the "fronts" - it will also be less dramatic. If the positions already carry emotional conflict potential, it is necessary to proceed with particular sensitivity, speed and emphasis. A pragmatic conflict analysis helps and shows possible solutions. *Whether it is a conflict involving relationships, communication, roles, power, facts or values: we can help you find "elastic twigs". Practice building up a trusting relationship in difficult situations and clarifying the situation *Learn how to convince in a conversation and create consensus through goal-oriented conversation techniques. Turn your conflict into an opportunity.

Methods- Fit 4 life
4 sides of a message according to Schulz von Thun | Cultural Dimensions according to Hall and Hofstede | PFA - Perception, Feeling, Assumption | Stress Model | Energram | Feedback Rules | Voice and Presence Profile | Pacing & Leading etc. NLP Formats
Our services
Language skills are not enough for clear and successful communication. Dialogue partners must not only have a common language, but must also attach the same importance to the individual words.
Communicate effectively

✔ Communication basics and feedback culture (among others according to Friedemann Schulz von Thun)

✔ Dealing with different communication types including language-independent forms of communication and virtual communication

✔ Presence in voice and appearance: voice profile & presence profile, learning voice and action plan

✔ Get to people and communicate convincingly

✔ Decoding people and their motifs

✔ group dynamic control

✔ formulate goals precisely

✔ Language as a leadership technique

✔ Communication psychology and strategic discussion planning (including dealing with objections and anticipating objections)

✔ Preparing and conducting negotiations

✔ experiential learning in the outdoor setting

✔ self and public image with video training possible

Successful intercultural communication

✔ Awareness of classical stereotypes and prejudices, change of perspective and empathy training

✔ Findings of the new intercultural research: i.a. cultural dimensions according to Hall and Hofstede, cultural values and related standards & norms, cultural relevance of time and space, knowing Do`s and Dont`s

✔ Dealing with intercultural conflicts: Origins of conflicts, recognizing conflicts in time, typical integration problems and their consequences

✔ conducting conversations with employees or customers from different cultures

✔ Successful international cooperation and team building in binational & multinational teams: special requirements for team building, using the skills and different perspectives of an intercultural team as an advantage, building trust in an international team

✔ Intercultural Management and Leadership (culturally appropriate leadership, employee roles, corporate cultures)

✔ emotional and strategically challenging outdoor projects for your intercultural teams

Mastering conflicts

✔ Causes of conflicts, avoidable and unavoidable conflict situations

✔ Negative and positive aspects of a conflict situation (disturbing factor or productive tension?)

✔ Avoid escalation of conflicts or successful de-escalation

✔ Feedback and consensus formation, preventive feedback culture

✔ conflict-resolving techniques of conversation

✔ Constructively resolve conflict situations with: employees, customers, superiors

✔ Analysis of conflicts from practice (mediation)

✔ experiential learning in the outdoor setting

For situations that already cause emotionally loaded tension in the team:

✔ Conflict mediation by ICO coaches in existing conflicts in teams (according to Christoph Thomann and Friedemann Schulz von Thun)

Outdoor | reflection in action
experience based learning

This is always included

Expectation query

We make sure to work according to the special needs of the participants. Flexibility in implementation is our self-concept.

Seminar documents

Every participant receives our method manuals & working tools in haptic and digital form as well as e-learning videos, if applicable.

Mix of methods

We use modern & practice-proven, agile & stable methods, which are optimally interconnected & compatible with all industrial sectors.

Online Seminars

Attendance seminar, webinar & e-learning reasonably combined implies optimal use of resources with maximum effect. Fast, lean, effective.


Your feedback is our quality assurance. We look forward to a critical reflection with you for our continuous improvement process.

Contact us for a personal advisory meeting

Claudia Heil

Claudia Heil

Peter TvS Trainerprofilfoto

Peter Tümmers von Schoenebeck

Founder · CEO · Senior Consultant

+49 8321 870 33


Philipp Porträt rund

Philipp Brumhard


First name *
Last name *
Phone *
E-mail address *



* Required Field
Frequently asked questions
How long is a training program?

You determine the duration of the training program.
From a short daily impulse to a weekly program or process support over a longer period of time with various interventions spread over the year, everything is possible. Please contact us. We will be happy to advise you based on your objectives.

Are there recommendations for accommodation?

We will gladly advise you on accommodation. We have numerous contacts to different accommodation categories. From self-catering hut to ****star hotel, everything is possible in the Allgäu.
For groups of 20 persons and more, we can arrange accommodation and meals as an agency service on request.

What kind of qualifications do the trainers and consultants have?

Our consultants manage the triangle of people, nature and economy. This ensures that experiences made in the learning field of nature are evaluated in a business-relevant format, taking into account group dynamics and personality development factors.
Our trainers usually have 3 mainstays:
1. academic education: Economy, psychology, sociology
2. psychological training: NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Systemic Coaching, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy
3. certified outdoor training in the following disciplines:
- alpine: mountain guide, ski instructor, climbing trainer, high ropes course trainer
- Whitewater: rafting guide, canyon guide, canoe instructor

All trainers have completed an ICO outdoor trainer qualification, the focus of which is to evaluate real outdoor experiences with focus on business and people and to transfer this knowledge goal oriented into the professional everyday life of the group or the individual.

Contact us

ICO Oberstdorf GmbH
Peter Tümmers
Im Wasen 16
87544 Bihlerdorf

Tel. +49 8321 87033
Fax +49 8321 68951

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ICO consults, trains & coaches people and companies using practical methods. Balance between agility & stability is our focus.
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